Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Inconsiderate Drivers

Stewart Crouch
Ok, I don’t like to complain but if there is one thing that really p#@*%s me off while riding or driving it is “inconsiderate drivers”. My broad brush description is any driver/rider who is not considerate to their fellow driver/rider.

Let me elaborate on a few examples...
Vehicle A is merging onto a busy highway, using the acceleration lane properly to get up to the cruising speed but no one will let them out. The “inconsiderate drivers” speed up to close the gap. Are they really in that much of a hurry?

A similar situation is when traveling along a congested multi-lane roadway and a vehicle signals that it wants to change lanes. Now I am not talking about the ”inconsiderate” guy who has been weaving through traffic for the last half hour like he is in a NASCAR race. I am talking about a driver/rider that suddenly realizes their turn or exit is coming up and needs to change lanes.

I cannot believe how many times the vehicles alongside close their .5 second following distance (remember the 2 second rule from Drivers Ed.?) to right up on the bumper of the car ahead. Is letting this guy over really going to make that much of a difference in their day? It always makes me feel good when I let them over and they give the ”thank you” wave. You give it too don’t you?

One more, and this is a big one. Two vehicles are travelling along a two lane highway both travelling at 55 with traffic backed up behind them. First, I have no problem with the vehicle in the right hand lane. The right hand lane is for travelling at whatever speed you like as long as it safe for the posted speed of the road (going 25mph on a road marked 55 is unsafe and will get you run over). The left hand lane is for overtaking or passing the vehicles in the right hand lane. As soon as you are by, get over to the right, simple right?
I have a problem with the “inconsiderate driver/rider” in the left hand lane that stays the same speed as the vehicle in the right, backing up traffic behind them.

Now I know they are going the posted speed limit and no one should be speeding but hey, real world here, the traffic flow on most roads in America is over the posted speed limit. If the driver in vehicle A wants to go 55 they have 2 choices; speed up, pass the vehicle in the right lane, get over in the right lane and drop back to 55 or drop back, get behind the vehicle in the right lane and continue 55. Either way it frees the vehicles in the left lane to pass and hopefully pull over to the right lane when they are clear.

Ok, that’s enough complaining for a while, I am sure you have a few of your own. Thanks for reading. Now go for a ride, be safe…….and don’t be “inconsiderate”, I might talk about you.

Stewart Crouch

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