Friday, December 9, 2011

The Morning Ride by Eric Beck

Eric Beck

The Morning Ride… He just woke up. He slides to the edge of the bed and stretches out his arms to the ceiling and then he relaxes.  He looks down at his clock and realizes it’s only 6:45am. The thought races through his mind, “Do I have to work today?” He fumbles for his cell phone and notices that it’s Saturday and he has the day off....
With a breath of relief he thinks of what he will do with his day, “I want to ride,” his brain says, “I want to go for a ride.” With a slight grin on his face he looks behind him and his wife is still off in dream land, drooling on her pillow. He walks down the hall and peeks in on his kids; they’re all still asleep.  He goes back to his closet and pulls out his riding gear.  It’s the middle of February and he hasn’t seen a warm day in what feels like months.

He pokes his head outside to see what the weather is like, and much to his surprise it’s clear. The sun is just coming up over the frozen horizon and the crisp air bites at his lungs. He runs to his garage and flings open the door. As the door rises, a sliver of sun shines into the garage.  He sees its orange glow reflecting off his new set of chrome pipes and slowly working its way up a set of V-twin heads. By the time the light has reached the handlebars he has already reached for his helmet and gloves. He puts them on and walks over to his bike.

He stops to admire it for just a second. It’s just the color he has always wanted, and the chrome is just enough to make him smile. He throws his leg over the black seat and puts his key in the ignition.

He remembers his sleeping family inside and walks the bike outside to the street. He turns the key, the lights come on, a cool shiver goes up his spine, and he hears the fuel pump hum with anticipation. Then with the push of a button it comes alive. The motor is awakened; the exhaust rumbles to life and shakes his cold chill away. This is just what he has been waiting for all winter. And with the feeling of a bear coming out of hibernation, he pulls in the clutch, clicks the shift-lever down into first, and sets out on his Morning Ride!

Are you him? Would you like to become him? Come meet our family here at Diamond Motor Sports and let us help you become him!

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